Fragrance-Free Accommodations:
A Traveler's Perspective

Young lady checking into a hotel, expressing her concerns for fragrance free accommodations.

Photo Credit: Alan LeStourgeon

“In the world of travel, the need for fragrance-free accommodations is on the rise to cater to individuals with sensitivities. Crystal, a Fragrance-Free Educator, shares her experience with fragrance allergies, contact dermatitis, and sensitive skin. Her journey empowers others to embrace a fragrance-free lifestyle and sheds light on the importance of reducing unnecessary fragrances in our daily lives. Crystal shares her perspective as a traveler and discusses the challenges faced when searching for fragrance-free accommodations, along with potential solutions for the travel industry.

Crystal’s story began in 2019 when she started experiencing hives on her face and hands. Initially misdiagnosed as acne, the condition persisted despite various treatments. Finally, a dermatologist conducted a patch test, revealing her allergies to fragrance, linalool, limonene, benzyl alcohol, and gold sodium thiosulfate. This diagnosis led Crystal to discover that most of her personal belongings were fragranced, causing further frustration.

Crystal highlights several CHALLENGES faced by travelers when searching for fragrance-free accommodations:

Among these challenges are limited availability, lack of consistent policies, limited information, lack of awareness, scented cleaning products, inconsistent compliance, limited awareness by other guests, communication barriers, and additional costs associated with consuming said products. All of which she understands from her perspective as a traveler.

Crystal’s understanding of these challenges is impressive. How often do you hear of a traveler having such awareness and understanding? With that being said, she suggests SOLUTIONS that the travel industry can implement to better accommodate travelers with fragrance sensitivities:

Implement fragrance-free policies, encourage adherence, use scent-free products, improve air filtration, provide clear allergen labeling, and seek feedback for growth opportunities.”

Traveler concerned her vacation rental is not fragrance-free like she hopes.

Photo Credit: Alan LeStourgeon

In conclusion, creating fragrance-free accommodations requires extra effort, and the demand for such spaces is increasing. Understanding the challenges faced by individuals like Crystal and implementing thoughtful solutions could be a tremendous resource. Remember this is a traveler’s perspective. My perspective, as a consultant and operator in this space, will have a different perspective. Stay tuned for the twist on this hot topic!

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