Understanding All Parts Of The Game Is Valid

A blue background photo with a portrait of Christine Smith of CSConsulting101. Your go-to short term rental consultant.

What Is A Short-Term Rental Consultant?

What does a consultant do? What is the definition of a consultant? Let alone the definition of a short term rental consultant. Depending on how you ask the question to google robots, you receive a slightly different answer each time that may leave you hanging. Especially if you are interested in the field of study due to improving your resume. Or that you want to best represent yourself to others who you “consult”. Consult is in air quotes, because let’s face it, you will get a snarled lip or a frowned face when you use the term “consultant”. For myself, there has been different stages of the consulting game I have been playing.

Welcome to my game of consulting. Enough about my credentials, hands on experience, and the mundane information. Let’s go deeper here to learn how I transitioned my first year. If you want to read more about me first, I thank you for setting intentions to get to know me. How about for now we have more fun. You can view more about me HERE.

I decided to take on the entrepreneur life and become a short term rental consultant. After researching other consultants, my main focus was to determine what a consultant meant to me. I had this feeling of what it meant, yet the definition never added up to value in my head. Do you ever get this feeling, deep in your heart and core being, yet words don’t make sense? I imagine we have something in common already. Understanding what it meant for me to call myself a consultant, I set out with one objective and quickly cultivated a much greater fire inside.

First, being a consultant to me meant doing projects.

Altering client operations without full clarity and explanations. Saying that out loud feels good. It feels good because I value providing great service to self and others. There is no shame in owning our worth to best serve others. Regardless, I felt confident in what I was talking about. Yet the clients I worked with didn’t feel the same after parting ways. I felt that because I know I want to progress. It’s called passion. A few interactions happened in this stage of the game. Three consulting gigs to be exact. You can view them Here. They are not up to date. Also, send me a message if you want to help me in that department.

Second game in my consulting business got a bit more involved.

Projects are something I can do all day long. Which is where my focus was grasping to. Although I learned relatively quickly I can do more than projects. Not only can I do more, I want to. There was this intuition kicking and screaming at me. As I am going through participations in projects I found myself getting frustrated self. Not ever at my clients. Ultimately it was me. I would notice that I got myself into projects that weren’t fully serving me. That is what I mean. So, what happens next? Do I stop, blow up, or doubt myself? You guessed it, I started to “Wonder” how I could change the game again.

The third consulting game is what takes me to the finale.

The finale I believe to be true due to a deeper passion I spoke of earlier. This part of the game involves a mixture of trials. Almost like the game monopoly where you try different strategies in one game. I did get to pass go and collect $200 a few times. My trials consisted of creating listings, consult and on-board with a start up company, called Lodge Lovers, and consulting with various companies in different segments of the short term rental industry game. Companies such as Houstr, Know Your Guest, RevParty, and ShowPlace are among a few of those industry experts. Wow, this game was the best one yet. Can you imagine the growth in-between these games that came in mini chapters?

I have since moved my life into a tiny house, to the country, and outside my comfort zone. Learning all sorts of new things with a minimal lifestyle. I have noticed the transitions that have been happening for me. Each chapter was leading me to a new definition of consultant. Each chapter gave me grace and patience to step into the much larger passion. I keep saying it over and over in remarks to my character of self. My social media content reflects the same.

Now it starts to make sense in terms of what a consultant means to me. I am a short term rental consultant that approaches the tourism industry as an always evolving machine. Who understands all moving parts and concerns of professionals within. A consultant that invites you to think outside the box, be open to change, be involved in their investment by understanding all angles and remember perspectives vary.

Did I mention I moved into a tiny house? My kitty and I are enjoying this new lifestyle by choice. I have this dream to be mobile one day, live in an RV, and travel. For now, I live in a tiny home where I am prepping to up my game in my consulting world. This is part one of this consulting game series. Stay tuned for the next story.

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