Fragrance-Free Accommodations:
A Consultant Perspective

A Bottle of Perfume Representative of Fragrance-Free Accommodations

Welcome To Part Two

In the second part of our exploration into fragrance-free accommodations, we’ll delve into the unique perspective of a short-term rental consultant. In this segment, we continue our interview with Crystal, discussing her challenges while traveling and her valuable insights on how vacation rental operators can better cater to the niche market of fragrance-free accommodations. If you missed part one and want a refresher on Crystal’s story, challenges, and perspective, be sure to read it here.

As a consultant deeply involved in consumer behavior, market trends, and driving short-term rental businesses forward, I appreciate both the traveler’s and the operator’s point of view. This allows me to objectively analyze and find solutions that benefit all parties involved. Moreover, Crystal has a thorough understanding of the operational challenges faced in accommodating fragrance-free requests. While individuals with heightened concerns are typically aware of their needs, it is important for short-term rental operators to also comprehend and address these requirements. Operators must put themselves in their guests’ shoes and proactively seek ways to accommodate them effectively.

A Closer Look At Fragrance-Free Accommodations

Let’s take a closer look at the operational challenges Crystal and I agree on:

Limited availability: At present, I am not familiar with specific resources or accommodations to guide guests in the right direction. I invite you to leave a comment at the bottom if you know of any. This scarcity presents an opportunity to create a safe space within this highly sought-after category of travel.

Lack of consistent policies: Whether you run a hotel, a bed and breakfast, or an independent short-term rental, creating designated fragrance-free policies is essential. Developing comprehensive Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and providing adequate training to your team ensures a well-oiled operation. Smooth operations lead to a positive guest experience, benefiting both your guests and your team.

Limited information: Offering detailed information is crucial for vacation rental operators. Crystal is correct in highlighting the inconsistency or absence of such information. As operators, we must ensure that all listing details are comprehensive. For instance, if you aim to provide a fragrance-free space, address the specifics of each product and share them with potential guests inquiring about their suitability.

Lack of awareness: This is the crux of the matter – a lack of awareness. While guests seeking fragrance-free accommodations are aware of their needs, there is often a dearth of awareness among operators. To address this, consider conducting market research and performing risk analysis to explore the potential scalability of fragrance-free accommodations.

Scented cleaning products: We are all familiar with the presence of chemical-heavy products on store shelves. Whether health-conscious or not, as a short-term rental operator, you must acknowledge that guests will have varying sensitivities. Some may appreciate the fresh scent of certain products, while others will find them overwhelming. Consider the cleaning products you use and be aware that heavy scents may not be appreciated by all guests. Additionally, if you claim to offer a scent-free environment, ensure your cleaning practices align with this promise.

Inconsistent compliance: The key to guaranteeing a fragrance-free accommodation lies in training. Training your team is vital, but it’s important to remember that even with the best intentions, it’s challenging to offer an absolute guarantee. Similar to the challenges faced in pet-friendly vacation rentals, providing an entirely scent-free environment can be a complex task.

Communication barriers: Communication barriers can hinder effective operations. Addressing them through well-defined SOPs is crucial.

Additional costs associated with using fragrance-free products: While it is true that “healthier” options tend to come with a higher price tag, the decision to provide fragrance-free accommodations should be based on the guest experience rather than cost. Investing in a less-scented rental can be a wise decision, knowing that it offers a migraine-free experience for guests

So, this part 2 series only scratched the surface of the topic of fragrance-free accommodations from my perspective. I could go into more detail if you feel inclined to have a conversation. Whether you are a traveler, travel blogger, or short-term rental operator of various rental types, I am always open to having a conversation to see how we can best support each other and our fellow travelers, aka, our guests.

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